The Young Ones

S2, Ep 8: Bogies, Breakfasts, and Betrayals

On today's episode: Charlie gives us a rundown on PGA feuds, Mikey talks about brunch struggles, and we finally discover the identity of the mole in Runaways #15-16.

Topics Discussed: Wrestlemania vs The PGA Tour, A Cursed Breakfast Adventure, Runaways Vol 1 #15-16, A Grossly-Colored Sewer, Remaining Positive While Goth, Space BDSM, A Ghost Trap with a Face, Hit Clips, The Merits of Waiting For Murder, 2000s Mecha, Everyone's Least Favorite Game Level: The Water Temple, The Bends, "Congratulations it's on fire now what did you hope to gain from this", Video Game Theory, The Death of Chase Stein...?, Don't Mess with Karolina Dean, The Runaways Mole, This or That: Transcendental Mario Kart vs Punk Rock Activism

S2, Ep 7: Live Up To My Family Name

On today's episode: Mikey brings up an old meme, Charlie talks childhood TV shows, and we take a look back into the past in Runaways #13-14.

Topics Discussed: Avengers vs X-Men: Consequences, Ghost Branding™, Romance Movies in Science Class, An In-Depth Discussion of Street Sharks Animation Budgets, Xenomorph Pizza Marketing, Even More Shatterstar News, The Fandom Paradox aka Schrodinger's Shatterstar, Runaways Vol 1 #13-14, Storytime: Runaways Style, Quentin Quire is a Nazi & Daken's Weaponized Bisexuality (And Other Bad Takes), Please Love Google, Why Mikey Hates NCIS LA, Gibborim Toes and the End of the World, A Bad Collection of Parents, Good and Bad Reasons to Have Kids, Lieutenant Flores Gets His Due, Survivor Alliances, This or That: Gay Auto-Chicken vs A Regrettable VHS Incident

S2, Ep 6: Spider Demons and Street Sharks

On today's episode: Mikey issues a challenge, Charlie has some questions about the Darkforce Dimension, and we meet Cloak & Dagger in Runaways #11-12.

Topics Discussed: Mikey Goes to the Movies, Singing the Praises of New Mutants: Dead Souls, A Sad Alien Crisis, A Modest Podcast Proposal, Runaways Vol 1 #11-12, Heroes Who've Been Hired, A Brief Return of Mutant Drugs, B-List Heroes and Why You Should Love Them, Service Revolvers, Yet Another Slight Genre Shift, Banter as a Display of Affection, Runaway Catch-22, Why Tony Stark is Still The Worst, A Costume Reveal, One Long Story Later, The Avengers Rescue That Never Was, Dark Souls of Future Past, This or That: Bug Lesbians vs Animal Apocalypse

S2, Ep 5: Oops! All Drama

On today's episode: Mikey lives his best life via theatrics, Charlie has their suspicions about Topher come to pass in unexpected ways, and it's only Teenage Wasteland in Runaways Vol. 1 issues 9-10.

Topics Discussed: A Highly Likely Cereal Debacle, Legacy Numbering: All Ups No Downs, Runaways Vol 1 #9-10, A Slight Genre Pivot, How To Be A Bad Friend Ft. Alex Wilder, Acquiring Coffee When You're A Runaway, Coming To Terms with Being a Mu--An Alien, Fans Who Only Watch the Movies, The World's Most Awkward Kissing Posture, Why Communication Is Key, We're Not Calling It A Catfight, Opportunistic Villain Monologuing, An Amazing Idea for a Doctor Strange Series, Sun Blood, Vampire Investments, This or That: Ben Grimm Has Done Nothing Wrong in His Life Ever vs An Opera in Metropolis

S2, Ep 4: A Lovingly-Rendered Soda Fountain

On today's episode: Mikey spreads the gospel of Todd Howard, Charlie gives a brief tutorial on crime, and we both get frustrated with teen boys in Runaways #7-8.

Topics Discussed: jeff_kaplan.png, Even the Podcast Cannot Escape Contrived Numbering Systems, The Mon-Stars of Limbo, Method Roleplaying, The Italian Job–But Bad, Aliens Make Bad Fashion Choices, Villain Cognitive Dissonance, Not That Nextwave, Being Fake Woke: Just Don't, Don't Trust This Boy, Pelicans On Parade, You Were Looking at the TV Guide in the Grocery Store, A Spoiler Alert for LOST, This or That: Skeletor Takes Over the World vs Doot Me To Life, Hell is Space Mountain, A True Genetic Ghost

S2, Ep 3: Heroes Never Die

On today's episode: Charlie wonder why Karolina's mom is so terrible, Mikey cuts Chase some well-deserved slack, and we realize that parents really just don't understand.

David Collins (@DungeonCommandr) joins us to talk about Runaways Vol 1 #5-6, as well as things we've been loving recently, what Overwatch characters the Runaways would main, how to portray strategist masterminds in the modern day, and his X-Men-inspired tabletop roleplaying game, Mutants in the Night.

Skateboards, Swords, and American Dollars

On today's episode: Mikey doesn't know the rules of Iron Chef, Charlie forgets that the main characters on the Dukes of Hazzard were all related, and we both take a walk down the Wildways.

Topics Discussed: The Rad Cosplay That Started It All, The New Mutants of Hazzard, Magical Girl Monster of the Week, Mikey Can't Pronounce Giles, A Case for a Good Daken, Teenage Gambit: Maybe Worse Than Regular Gambit, Rachel Summers Is the Sarah Connors of the Marvel Universe, In the Mojoverse You Take the Good and the Bad, Mortally Bankrupt: Eldritch Horror of Reality TV the RPG, That One Episode of Supernatural, Who Gets the Rose & Who Gets Their Heart Shatterstar'd, A Spider-Person Who Won't Take Dr. Strange's Crap, Sometimes You Don't Need Super-Soldier Serum, Surprise Batman Beyond, A Compelling Pitch for Cosmic X-Men, Adam X is the Best, Iron Chef X-traordinare, Sushi Spiral, Equal Opportunity Smooches, Robotic Eyeballs: Just as Good as Normal Eyeballs

S2, Ep 2: Aliens, Ghostbusters, and Jurassic Park, Oh My!

On today's episode: Charlie brings us more Shatterstar news, Mikey thanks Machine Man for his contributions to society, and we see the kids aren't alright in Runaways: Pride and Joy.

Topics Discussed: Gay Mutant Developments - Deadpool Edition, Accent Excitement, The Voracious Venom-Dog, Danny Rand aka The Terrible RPG Character Nobody Wanted, Runaways Vol 1 #3-4, The Worst of All Possible Dimensions, Calming the Savage Beast Chris Pratt-Style, CGI vs Holograms, You Too Can Have Super-Villain Parents for 3 Easy Payments of 29.99, How Not to End Debates on Veganism, What to Do When Your Pet Doesn't Stay Put, Lying About Allergies, Aurora Borealis? At This Time of Year?, Questionable Work-Life Balance in the LAPD, Doomsday Prepping or Swift Justice, Taser Laser Apple Watch, A Disturbing Escalation, This or That: A Hero of the People vs An Upsetting Realization

S2, Ep 1: The Curious Case of the Murder in the Basement

On today's episode: Mikey is a 2000s pop culture encyclopedia, Charlie wants Chase Stein to think about his life choices, and we finally break into Runaways Volume 1.

Topics Discussed: Overwhelming Gay Mutant Developments, Revolutionary Boy Shatterstar, Backwards Listening, Runaways Vol 1 #1-2, A Brief Tsunami History, Gothic Lolita Fashion, MMORPG Memes, Nightmare Parents, Hot Vegan Culinary Tips, A Baby-Sitter's Club Pop Quiz, Questionable Security Methods, Is It One-Way or Two?, Twister vs Bop-It, The Logistics of Running Away, White Vans and Where to Find Them, A Very Adorable Dinosaur, Existential Horror and Spectral Boss Fights, Communication in the Age of Myspace

S1, Ep 8: Generation X Spoilercast Q&A with Christina Strain!

On today’s episode: Charlie extols the virtues of Rictor and Shatterstar, Mikey gets emotional about the Runaways, and we talk to writer Christina Strain about her run on Generation X.

Topics Discussed: Comic OCs, Gen X: Old Vs. New, Why Quentin Quire is Really a Jerk, Pulling the Threads of Continuity, X-Men Barbershop Culture, Lovable Losers & The Breakfast Club Formula, The Gifted: A Great But Frustrating TV Show, A Brooklyn 99 Reference, A Tale of Two Everetts, Skin Deserved Better, Background Mutants & Queer Romances, Battle of the Atom, Don't Let Your Children Near Sentient Space Bacteria, Mikey's Roleplaying Corner, The Gen X Stories that Never Were, Steampunk Leonardo da Vinci, Niche Artisan Comic Products, Gay X-Men (All of Them)

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