The Young Ones

S1, Ep 8: Generation X Spoilercast Q&A with Christina Strain!

6 years ago

On today’s episode: Charlie extols the virtues of Rictor and Shatterstar, Mikey gets emotional about the Runaways, and we talk to writer Christina Strain about her run on Generation X.

Topics Discussed: Comic OCs, Gen X: Old Vs. New, Why Quentin Quire is Really a Jerk, Pulling the Threads of Continuity, X-Men Barbershop Culture, Lovable Losers & The Breakfast Club Formula, The Gifted: A Great But Frustrating TV Show, A Brooklyn 99 Reference, A Tale of Two Everetts, Skin Deserved Better, Background Mutants & Queer Romances, Battle of the Atom, Don't Let Your Children Near Sentient Space Bacteria, Mikey's Roleplaying Corner, The Gen X Stories that Never Were, Steampunk Leonardo da Vinci, Niche Artisan Comic Products, Gay X-Men (All of Them)

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