The Young Ones

S2, Ep 4: A Lovingly-Rendered Soda Fountain

6 years ago

On today's episode: Mikey spreads the gospel of Todd Howard, Charlie gives a brief tutorial on crime, and we both get frustrated with teen boys in Runaways #7-8.

Topics Discussed: jeff_kaplan.png, Even the Podcast Cannot Escape Contrived Numbering Systems, The Mon-Stars of Limbo, Method Roleplaying, The Italian Job–But Bad, Aliens Make Bad Fashion Choices, Villain Cognitive Dissonance, Not That Nextwave, Being Fake Woke: Just Don't, Don't Trust This Boy, Pelicans On Parade, You Were Looking at the TV Guide in the Grocery Store, A Spoiler Alert for LOST, This or That: Skeletor Takes Over the World vs Doot Me To Life, Hell is Space Mountain, A True Genetic Ghost

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