The Young Ones

S1, Ep 7: Dance Off to the Death

On today’s episode: Mikey gets sucked into the black hole that is Hulk continuity, Charlie thinks Matt Murdock should probably be evil in every reality and we both come to the realization that there are way too many spider people.

Topics Discussed: A Quick Tutorial on Anime Filler Episodes, The Value of Retcons, More Information about Spider-Verse Than You Ever Needed to Know, Sexy Decrepit Spider-Vampires, Edge of Spider-Verse: Spider-Gwen, Why Every Spider Book Should Be a Cartoon, Power and Responsibility, Peak Jason Latour Dialogue, Evil Matt Murdock is best Matt Murdock, The Rhino Just Wants to Party (Probably), Editor Question of the Week aka Chosing Between Our Children, Don't Google Hulk Continuity (Never Even Once), Game Shows with Wheels, This or That: School Dance Edition

S1, Ep 6: Robot Magic 2: Skrull-Kree Jamboree

On today’s episode: Charlie can’t math, Mikey speculates on ROM: Space Knight, and we talk way, way too long about the finale of Young Avengers Volume 1.

Topics Discussed: Space Debt, Young Avengers #11-12, Captain AV-ROM of the Laser Discs, Demon Baby Hands (Again), Magical Moms, Trying to be Responsible and Failing, How to Write a Good Queer Romance, The Skree, Climactic Battles on Convenient Skyscrapers, Teddy and the Technicolored Kree Force, Please Respect Lil Viz, The Ocean of Uncertainty, Joint Alien Custody, Another Super Hospital Visit, The Best Times to Stand Up to Captain America, A Long-Awaited Codename, This or That: Keanu Reeves vs. Robot Masterpiece Theatre

S1, Ep 5: Robot Magic

On today's episode, Mikey wonders about Super Skrull technology, Charlie doesn’t know how robots work, and we get to the final arc of Young Avengers Volume 1.

Topics Discussed: Errata, New Year's Resolutions, Young Avengers Volume 1 #9-10, A Bad Montage, How to Stage a Friend Intervention, The Super Skrull, Laser Beams Sent Through Space, Not Subtle Shapeshifters, Some Exciting Dramatic Readings, When Your Mom’s a Skrull, A Grisly Murder, Eli Running Away (Again), A Cell Phone for Ants, Women With Laser Guns, Lil Viz, Jarvis: Hollywood Vs Reality, Superhero Soda Selections, Another Avengers Failsafe Candidate, Super Juvie, Robot Magic, Snarky Speedsters, Skrull Royalty, More Cliffhangers

S1, Ep 4: Someone Please Fire Kat Farrell

[CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains the following subject matter - drug use, drug abuse, and sexual assault.]

On today's episode: Charlie is concerned about misuse of NYPD resources, Mikey shares something very near and dear to his heart, and we both talk about the background of the the team in Young Avengers Special #1.

Things discussed: Marvel Animated Features, Young Avengers Special #1, How Not to Be a Good Reporter, Annuals and Why Sometimes They Aren't Called Annuals, Dad Moustaches 2: More Dad Moustaches, Processing Superheroic Guilt, The Difficulty of First Crushes, The Best Scarlet Witch Moment, Why Kate Is Good but Her Backstory Is Not Great, More Mutant Drugs (Unfortunately), The Specter That Haunts Patriot, Shatterstar Wars

X-tream X-Mas Spectacular

Join us this week as we discuss some of our favorite things just in time for the holidays.

S1, Ep 3: Not-So-Secret Indignities

[CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains the following subject matter - discussion of drug use and drug abuse.]

On today’s episode: Charlie finds New York City's urban planning frustrating, Mikey gets mad about the logistics of super-crime, and we talk about a very special episode of the Young Avengers.

Things discussed: A Weird Filler Arc, A Publishing Lesson, What to Do When the Art Isn't Good & More Lessons in Suffering, Young Avengers #7-8 ("Secret Identities"), Tony Stark’s Hologram Fetish, Luke Cage is a Good Role Model (Actually), The Physics of Oatmeal, Terrible Dad Mustaches, What Not to Do When Your Boyfriend Is Magical, A Good Coming Out Story, A Bad MGH Story, How Not to Draw a Teenager With Growing Powers, The Worst Places to Have a Drug Super Lab, Mr. Hyde (Not That One), Complicated Feelings About Robots, How to Critique an Awkward 10-Year-Old Storyline, When a Character Deserves Better

S1, Ep 2: The One With All the Time Travel

On today’s episode: Charlie contemplates the fashion of the thirtieth century, Mikey wonders why super heroes don’t get therapy and we wrap up the first arc of Young Avengers.

Things Discussed: Coping With the Insidious Fear of Your Favorite Characters Vanishing, That Other Teddy Altman, How Comics Are for Everyone, Mikey's Anti-Capitalism Corner, Jamie Madrox (Not That One), Young Avengers Volume 1 #4-6, The Presidential Physical Fitness Test, Napping on Piles of Rubble, Kang & New York Fashion Week, Why Billy and Teddy Are the Best, Kate’s Closet Cosplay, Why Time Travel Is Bad (Unless You’re Cable), Future Guns, An Ill-Defined Cataclysm, Making Sense of the Marvel Multiverse (Badly), What Not to Do When Rebelling Against Your Dark Destiny, Chicken Soup for the Magic User's Soul, A Batman Moment, Codenames and Finding Yourself

S1, Ep 1: Who the #*&% Are the Young Avengers?

On today’s episode, Charlie tries to explain the Growing Man, Mikey has concerns about the future of razor scooters and we both take a trip down memory lane.

Things Discussed: Avengers Disassembled, Your Imaginary Children and You, Bad Occasions to Have Beach Drinks, the Avengers' Terrible No Good Very Bad Day, Event Fatigue, Young Avengers Volume 1 #1-3, Who the Hell Is Bucky?, The Hug and Fly, Bad Police Practices, Robot Storage, The Adventurers of Kang and Kang, Health Care in the Thirtieth Century, Kang the Conquerer (Kind Of), MGH, the Original Captain America, Super Human Blood Transfusions, When to Trust Tony Stark (Never).

The Young Ones

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