The Young Ones

S2, Ep 1: The Curious Case of the Murder in the Basement

6 years ago

On today's episode: Mikey is a 2000s pop culture encyclopedia, Charlie wants Chase Stein to think about his life choices, and we finally break into Runaways Volume 1.

Topics Discussed: Overwhelming Gay Mutant Developments, Revolutionary Boy Shatterstar, Backwards Listening, Runaways Vol 1 #1-2, A Brief Tsunami History, Gothic Lolita Fashion, MMORPG Memes, Nightmare Parents, Hot Vegan Culinary Tips, A Baby-Sitter's Club Pop Quiz, Questionable Security Methods, Is It One-Way or Two?, Twister vs Bop-It, The Logistics of Running Away, White Vans and Where to Find Them, A Very Adorable Dinosaur, Existential Horror and Spectral Boss Fights, Communication in the Age of Myspace

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