The Young Ones

S2, Ep 6: Spider Demons and Street Sharks

6 years ago

On today's episode: Mikey issues a challenge, Charlie has some questions about the Darkforce Dimension, and we meet Cloak & Dagger in Runaways #11-12.

Topics Discussed: Mikey Goes to the Movies, Singing the Praises of New Mutants: Dead Souls, A Sad Alien Crisis, A Modest Podcast Proposal, Runaways Vol 1 #11-12, Heroes Who've Been Hired, A Brief Return of Mutant Drugs, B-List Heroes and Why You Should Love Them, Service Revolvers, Yet Another Slight Genre Shift, Banter as a Display of Affection, Runaway Catch-22, Why Tony Stark is Still The Worst, A Costume Reveal, One Long Story Later, The Avengers Rescue That Never Was, Dark Souls of Future Past, This or That: Bug Lesbians vs Animal Apocalypse

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