The Young Ones

S3, Ep 1: To Batman... And Beyond!

6 years ago

On today's episode: Mikey talks late 1990s cereal prizes, Charlie thinks there's too many Spider-Men, and we reminisce about Batman Beyond.

Topics Discussed: Someone Take Lewis Tan's Phone Away, Still Alive, A Brief Discussion of Late 90s Pop Culture, Batman (Don't) Get Your Gun, The Gotham Aesthetic, Tracer from Overwatch, A Batman with a Life, The Return of HitClips, A Case of Mistaken Jokerz Identity, A Future Slang Primer, Cop vs. Punk, "Right in the Bruce Wayne feels," Mr. Fixx the Steampunk Assassin, An Awkward Limo Ride, Hubris, A Rogues Gallery Rivalry, Ace the Bat-Dog, Ice-T & Twin Peaks, The Usefulness of Secret Panels in Desks, Evil Lucio, Why You Don't Give Your Lackies Brain Stimulators, How Absolute Technology Corrupts Absolutely, Saving the World with Furious Super-Texting, Enter Max, Body Horror Yikes and a Half, When Superman is also Tony Stark, A Messed-Up Master Plan, You Too Can Be Your Own Grandpa, Return of the Joker, Episode Recommendations, A Novelty Ratings System

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