The Young Ones

S2, Ep 9: Weirder and Worse

6 years ago

On today's episode: Mikey gets pulled back from the brink of an internet rabbit hole, Charlie has an X-Corps epiphany, and our good friend Casey (@caseycrook) joins us to talk about the end of Runaways Volume 1.

Topics Discussed: Slime & Slime Accessories, We're Not Starting a Stephen King Podcast, A Chili's at the End of Reality, Street Fighter Vs X-Force, Runaways Vol 1 #17-18, Nico Minoru's Spell Spreadsheet, Alex's Ill-Conceived Morrowind LARP, A Typical Villain Monologue, How Now to Treat Your Crush, A Deadlier Yoshi, The Unfortunate Return of Video Game Logic, When Humans Ruin Your Dinner Table, Molly's Convenient Sleepiness, Breaking Dramatic Tension via Bad Monster Design, Theories About the Leapfrog, A Weirdly Dated Picture, Why Mutant Schools Aren't for Everyone, Mixed Messages, the End of the Runaways... For Now, Representation in Reading, Blink Twice if This Podcast Is Holding You Hostage

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